Sunday, March 25, 2007

How well do you know me?

Create your own Friend Quiz here


Jill said...

Ahhh!! I can't believe I misspelled your middle name. I knew how to spell it, but just quickly picked that one! How did you get the scoreboard to show up? I never could get it to work on my blog.

Val said...

WOW! You all are doing horribly!!

Hannah said...

I feel like I did pretty good, consdiring the 0 for Jacque and the 40 for Jill. And I should have gotten the what do you wear most often question. I didn't read all the answers completely.

Kelli said...

you attempted mine... so i attempted yours. and WOW am i a good guesser! although i did try and use some deductive reasoning from the little that i know you and saw you. not bad! and you didn't do bad on mine either. :)

Val said...

Ok, so following Jacque's example here are the answers. But don't read below if you haven't taken the quiz yet!!!

What is my favorite animal? Dog

What is my favorite color? Black

What is my middle name? Anne (with the E)

What is my dream character on Broadway? Christine from Phantom (Cosett from Les Mis was a trick answer, because I would LOVE to play either Eponine or Fantine from Les Mis but NOT Cosett)

What is my favorite movie from this list? Armegedon (but I own and love all of them)

What hospital ED will I be working at starting July 9th this year!!!? Fairfax ED!!! YEAH

What is my favorite season? Summer

What is my favorite type of shoe to wear? I hate shoes!!

What type of clothing can I most often be found in? Sweats/pjs

How many times have I been in love? 3

Anonymous said...

So, I got a 70 and the three questions I missed, I kept fluctuating between two answers. I should have put dogs, duh. It was a fun quiz! Cami