Sunday, January 07, 2007

New Year

Well, it's a new year and what do I have to say...

My last semester of school is about to start in one week. Only 4 more months of my life centering around school, then I can finally move on with my life. So, now comes the big decisions. Job, finally moving out and getting my own place, growing up.

I never thought it would be hard to sit through an interview and then the tortour it is to wait for them to call. It can make anyone feel so insecure and self-conscious.

I really am looking forward to moving out and getting my own place. But that's not to say that I have not appriciated, even enjoyed being here with my parents. Coming home from a long days work and my dad having cooked a hot dinner, ready and waiting on the table. Being able to crawl onto the foot of mom's bed and talk to her about anything. I love my parents, but I also would love my own place. We all come to that time in our lives. However, they forget to mention when we're children how much money it's going to cost!! How do you start out? Do you have to settle for something really small or do you get a good loan and start out in debt? Wow...debt, I haven't even mentioned school loans, ugh!

Life comes at you even when you least expect it. Time to grab your boots by the straps, hitch them up and take a step.

Oh I didn't mention my new year's resolutions... well, I can only really think of one. I want to figure out and develope my relationship with God. If any of you would like to help me with that, please do. I'd love any help or advice you have to give.

1 comment:

Sign2Jill said...

Talk to Him. Sing to Him. Dance with Him. Smile. I know you're capable of doing all of those! :-) And do them all day long. I do this in the car, in the store, talking with my patients, etc.

It's like being head-over-heels in love with your conscience; if your conscience is a little person named God. He'll always be there and you can't get rid of Him.

Pray of everything, every hour. You don't have to ask Him to bless you. But you do have to give Him the glory and thank Him often.

Give a little and you'll get a lot!

Love you!

P.S. If you wanna apartment shop, I'll be ready to go if you need a buddy!