Thursday, November 30, 2006

(Post 2 today) 6 weird things.

Tagged by Jill Y....thanks. So 6 weird things about me, here goes..

6. Not only have I been in school for 19 years straight (with no summer breaks the last 3 years), but I've attended 4 universities (one of them twice).

5. I don't like my feet being looked at or touched but I LOVE them tucked under the butt of whomever is sitting next to me on the couch.

4. I've worked at the same place since junior year in high school.

3. I too like my Jill K. love to make lists (hence the countdown below).

2. I love to act, sing, and dance in front of litterally millions of people but can't stand giving a speech infront of 3 people.

1. My mom is my best friend and has been since late-high school. I know this isn't that weird for adults, many mothers and daughters become great friend when they're older but my mom has been my best friend and confidant(spelling?) since I was in high school!!

I have no idea who hasn't been tagged yet, so if you haven't been tagged, consider yourself tagged!


Sign2Jill said...

I know what you mean about being best friends with your mom. I feel close to my mom too! I just wish the distance thing wasn't a factor for me!

Jacque said...

You're such a weirdo, Val.

Miss you, can't wait to catch up in 2 weeks. :)